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    || The Ultimate Swipe File Vol. #1 ||
    Will You Help?
    Yes!  Shocking but TRUE...
    there aren't enough copywriters
    to write them.  Sales professionals are nervous to say the least.  It's a stressful time for marketers.  Folks are anxious about the whole process and looking for someone to lend a hand.
    As a writer, you can help them.
    For most writing a sales letter for their product is stressful.
    Yet in any given moment nearly one in five marketers is either planning or right in the middle of the struggle to write a compelling sales letter for their product or service.
    And they're scared shit less...
    Because most marketers realize that the sales copy is critical.
    So what do you think?
    Your a writer, right?
    "No big deal,"
    with your skills you could help put an end to the drought
    of crafted, polished and professional-looking sales letters in a single afternoon.  Maybe a couple of days, tops.
    Marketers are not necessarily writers.  Heck, believe it or not, most of them don't even like doing it.  And they sure don't feel confident about it.  So, if you doubt your abilities to craft a sales letter for your own product or service what do you think the results will be?
    Just look at the process...
    Type a line...delete it...type something else...delete it...type some more...print...hate it...toss it...start again...type a line...
    Wow...so what is the definition of insanity?
    "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
    Is it any wonder that
    83% of marketers - about 3.4 Million - report that they would rather hire a professional writer to help
    them (in fact, they just want you to do the whole thing for them :-)
    Just by using and abusing my
    you could be their professional helper.
    All you have to do to tap into this growing market is to channel your witting skills,
    skills that you already possess
    , into creating the specific sales letters they need.
    Fun, Easy, and Oh YES...
    It's Lucrative!
    You see, there are certain writing projects that are painful.  Mainly because people get tied up in research, trying to get information out of the client, struggling to find a good hook for the piece, and writing and re-witting draft after draft.  STOP!
    Isn't this the definition of insanity?
    There is nothing new under the sun.  All the research has probably already been done and as far as a hook...that's out there too.  And you'll have access to it all.  You might need to tweak it and maybe twist it.  But it is a whole lot better than starting from scratch.  And
    to your customer you'll look like a genius.
    Did you now that some of the most successful ads ever written were created this way?
    Most people who come to you with a serious need for your help will have everything you need to craft the perfect sales letter.  Remember they need you more than you need them and so with that level of motivation...they will provide you with whatever you ask.  Let's face it...it's your job to make them look good!
    Never forget that making clients look good is easy, especially with this exclusive "Swipe File".
    Direct mail letters...successful web pages...even effective social media pages...all follow a set format.  That never changes...so there is no re-inventing the wheel.
    Here at last is your chance to gain the COPYWRITERS MINDSET that you've always dreamed of having...so easily and quickly that you'll be astounded...and you'll do it with out risking a penny!
    If you have ever wanted
    an advanced education in copywriting mastery
    you’ll find no better resource than my brand new
    This package isn’t for everyone, if you need someone to hold your hand and carefully explain every single step, then you probably need to look elsewhere, but if your able to
    study the GREATEST ADS EVER WRITTEN and use them as a springboard for your own copywriting career
    then again, you’ll find no better resource than my brand new
    packages. And most of the principles and concepts contained in these files can be used in almost any market.
    As an example of what I am talking about…
    I Am Using One Of Those Ads
    As The Template For This Letter
    To You, Right Now!
    Pretty neat, huh?
    Imagine learning the game of copywriting exactly as it is played at
    the most advanced level
    …the average copywriter has NEVER figured out the really
    secrets and it’s easy to understand why, because
    all the GREATEST COPYWRITERS keep them close to the vest and NEVER Divulge them to ANYONE!
    They would sooner
    cut off a finger
    than reveal the techniques and strategies that they use to dominate the entire field.
    Would you like to have access to these files?  My
    package will give you an instant collection of copywriting tools and techniques that you can use over, and over, and over again. It has the REAL potential to
    raise your level of copywriting ability to that of the most respected and advanced copywriters…in just
    Please don't take my offer lightly.  I have literally spent tens of thousands of dollars amassing
    one of the largest collections of Financial sales and marketing materials available.
    Look, I just want you to ralize the magnitude and sheer value this all digital product.
    will soon be firmly in your hands…
    I'm Happy to Do This...
    Eventhough Every Copywriter I Have Run This By Thinks I'm INSANE!
    But I REALLY DON'T CARE!  Because you know what?
    For every dollar I spent building this collection and using its vast resources, my copywriting skill grew ten fold!  So, I want to share it with you.
    If you use it, YOURS will too…
    Maybe not overnight...but you will quickly discover that you have been given access to a vast RESOURCE of copywriting secrets that you can use

    Just imagine, the next time you sit down to write a sales piece you will
    …that you’re writing headlines like
    Gary Halbert

    crafting openers
    like an invisible hand was guiding your pen…
    …and creating bullets with a mastery that will have even the most
    skeptic reaching for their wallet…
    I couldn’t really afford to spend the thousands and thousands of dollars that it cost me to build this collection, but I did it anyway.
    I love copywriting and was determined to be one of the best while at the same time creating a life and lifestyle where my family has no financial worries.
    If you have bought Swipe Files from me in the past, be asured that what I am doing here is
    unloading ALL MY Swipes in a SERIES of COLLECTIONS
    .  Some of this is brand new, some you may have seen before.  If your new to this list and are not a member of Swipe File Pro, then it is probably all NEW to you.  But for even old time Swipe File Pro members there will be some surprises.  And now I’m sharing it ALL with you,
    for a limited time:
    I’m not certain how long I will be making this offer to you; it could be available for a few hours, a few days or maybe a little longer.
    My most recent offering was sold out and gone in 12 hours.
    I’ve actually have literally over a hundred years of Swipes and choosen
    the most important pieces
    from my collection of swipes.
    It has taken me years to go through each file, carefully selecting only
    the most powerful pieces, those that can be easily modeled and crafted for virtually any market.
    You’ll be getting a “hands on” education
    at a fraction of what I had to shell out.
    With a
    that says “you don’t
    a dime.” (You could go out for a
    nice diner for two
    for this little money!
    Where I shelled out a kings ransom over the years
    only have to reach in your pocket and hand me a few coins.)
    Here’s Vol. #1 The World's Greatest Copywriters Part 1
    What you get in Vol. #1:
    231 RARELY SCENE Swipes from the Greatest Minds in Copy.
    These are
    the real “insider” lessons from the Greatest Minds in the  business.
    Study these and you will have the inside
    Secrets that they use day in and day out to beat  controls left and right.
    It's like sitting at the feet of...
    Ben Suarez
    Bud Weckesser
    Bruce Barton
    Norman Cousins
    David Ogalvy
    David Deutsch
    Ralph Ginzburg
    Gary Halbert
    Lynn Wood
    Bud Weckesser
    Paul Hartunian
    Drew Kaplin
    Jay Abraham
    Joe Cossman
    Joe Karbo
    Joe Sugarman
    Jim Straw
    Porter Stansberry
    J. Peters
    Ralph Ginzburg
    Ted Nicholas
    Jim Rutz
    Frank Kern
    Kent Komae
    Paris Lampropoulos
    A master copywriter thinks differently in almost every respect…from thinking about headlines, to developing a guarantee, to deciding the best approach for a close in order to
    maximize response and blow the needle off the conversion meter.
    Unless you learn these secrets, (which top-shelf copywriters almost
    reveal to even their closest friends!) you could spend hours everyday working at your craft and still not
    learn how to write a sales letter that will grab attention, generate massive response and pulverize the competition into saw dust.
    And the simple reason is that you have not been given access to this “insider” knowledge.
    You either need a “mentor,” one of the greats to
    them to you
    , or you can just
    their ideas
    The difference in
    the effectiveness and quality of your writing
    out these files)
    will take you’re breath away.
    Love Copywriting,
    The Way I Do!
    In just a couple of days you’ll gain unbelievable focus on your craft, you’re confidence will be restored because you will have learned how to perfect every aspect of salesmanship in print (easily and simply). You’ll be motivated once again to do what you had originally set out to do when you decided to learn the skill of copywriting…so now…
    You’ll have a system in place where the
    of your writing are consistently good, every day you write…
    all the “holes” in you writing will be filled
    — suddenly, you’ll be writing headlines, subheads and bullet points like a pro, on top of your game like never before.
    In fact
    you’ll be a madman, mastering difficult copywriting techniques with a grin and a giggle.
    The quality of this all digital package is for real.
    The amazing “insider” secrets contained in it are likely the only opportunity you will ever have to own most of these control pieces.
    The only reason it exist is because of the fact that I was moving and going through everything that either needed to be boxed up or get gone.
    I went through everything…a thorough house cleaning and the results of much of it are in the package that stands before you today.
    And once you see the price…you’ll quickly realize that I could and probably will change my mind about the whole thing at a moments notice.
    I’ve been know to change my mind about these things within a few hours…if you doubt that then just take a look at my last offer…I didn’t even put up a “sorry sold out” page…I just killed it.
    So…this may be your first and last shot to grab this package.
    This Is Vol. 1 of
    The ULTIMATE Swipe File Collection
    You Could Ever Hope To Own!
    And who wouldn’t want to own it?
    So here’s the “deal”:
    This swipe file has
    street value of ,325
    that is based on a very conservative per control piece.
    There are
    controls from almost every decade of the last century up to the present
    Just one of them is worth far more than I am asking for the entire collection and there are 231 in the package.
    This Collection Represents Vol. 1
    The World's Best Copywriters Part 1
    with More To Follow!
    I will not be asking you to pay ,325,
    but any training course on copywriting or copywriting workshop worth its salt would cost you ,000 - ,000 plus airfare, hotel accommodations, and food.
    You’ll learn 10 times more from using this package than any week long training course.
    aren’t even going to pay
    one tenth
    of what a weak-kneed training course would cost.
    In fact you aren’t going to pay one half of that, no not even a third.
    pay for 231 of the world's greatest copywriters  ever to be constructed is PENNIES APIECE!
    That's right PENNIES!  Yep,
    you can own this amazing collection for PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR
    …and even then you aren’t risking one dime…because…you also get…
    A 100% Money Back Guarantee!
    Here's how it works:
    Simply order the “The Ultimate Swipe File” Vol. 1 Part 1...this all digital package, and try it out for
    3 entire months.
    If, at the end of those 3 months, you aren't completely convinced these swipes have changed your ability to write compelling copy in a very dramatic and astonishing way…simply send me an email, and you will be rushed a
    complete refund
    of every penny you paid.
    There is no catch…there is no fine print
    ..I live my life simply.
    Place your order, use them for 3 months, if it doesn’t work for you…let me know and you’ll get a no questions asked refund.
    You’re in control.
    Wait…I’m not actually done yet…
    Because when I make an offer of this magnitude I love to over deliver I have a shopping cart full of truly extraordinary bonuses for you today, if you take me up on this valuable offer.
    Use your credit card — it’s fast, safe and
    100% secure

    10 times
    more secure than using a credit card at your favorite restaurant! P
    robably the best darn bargain you’ll
    Private coaching sessions run upwards of 0 - 00 an hour and you don’t get the whole story from one coach, in a single hour, or from one session; plus, here, you have the added advantage of being able to review the material over and over and over again.
    This package contains
    you need to take your writing to the next level.
    It’s the
    best deal
    dollar for dollar you could ever hope for.
    In fact we’re not even talking dollars here because it averages out to
    I can’t advise you strongly enough not to delay because:
    Either one of two things will occur.  #1. I’ll decide that the material is far too valuable to just give it away, like I’m doing right this minute, and I’ll just take the site down. Or,… #2. I’ll decide that the material is far too valuable to give away, like I’m doing right now and I’ll sell it for what it really should be sold for 7 and even at that price it’s a bargain!  There are no plans to make this material available to the general public…but if I do it will be at no less than 7.  I know of lesser products that sell for 7.  To take advantage of this outrageously low price first-chance opportunity you really need to act now and not wait because it could be gone tomorrow.
    If you order right now I
    guarantee you this price.
    So please take action right now while you’re still reading this letter.
    If you love copywriting as much as I do, you’ll kick yourself forever if you delay and
    this incredible opportunity.
    The contents of this package can transform you into a copywriting powerhouse every time you pick up a pen or pencil.
    With the secrets contained within its pages, you are going to
    every writing assignment you take on!
    If your as serious about shaving as many stokes off you copywriting handicap as I am, then the “ULTIMATE SWIPE FILE” Vol. 1 Pt. 1 will enable you to become a contender for minor legendary status among your pears.
    You may not become a Gary Halbert or Clayton Makepeace but when you enter the room your colleagues will become very silent as they realize they are in the presence of greatness.
    But you must act
    To YOUR Copywriting Success,
    Jason Hart
    a.k.a. “The Professor”
    CIO, Focus Based Marketing
    PS. Remember,
    you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from this incredible opportunity.
    There is absolutely no downside risk, not even a penny.
    How can you delay even for a minute, knowing these “insider” secrets are almost
    …waiting in the package I have set aside for you.
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